Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Tree

Here is a photo of our Christmas tree.

I'm sorry it's so dark. You can click on the photo to make it larger. It only has the lights and star on it so far,but I hope it will be decorated by my Birthday. My Birthday is December 4th,so I guess we will have to kick it into high gear! We have quite a few ornaments,if you're wondering. Anyway,we also have a few other Christmas decorations up,but not too many just yet. I'm also in the process of figuring out what to make for people this year. I think I'll make less gifts this year,though (personal opinion). Oh,here is another thing about this tree. The tree and I are the same age! We are both 19 years old this year (well,only the tree is right now). To tell you the truth,I only found that out this year! -_- I guess I should have asked.  =)  Well,I think that's it. Bye-bye!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your evening has been filled with plenty of happiness,laughter,and pie!!  =)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Craft Fair Results

We seemed to lift that sense of dread that we had on our shoulders yesterday,because we did quite nicely today. We made $81.00 total! That's great for us,considering that we only managed to sell very little at the other craft fair this month. Not only that,my mom and I managed to spot a girl wearing a crocheted scarf I sold two years ago at a craft fair,and she remembered that she got it from our table! I was rather pleased by that.  =)  We didn't buy anything other than some baked goods. I also managed to crochet a little plushie wreath while we were selling stuff! Here she is!

She is crocheted from this pattern:
She was crocheted using a size 2.1mm steel crochet hook,using the yarn Brown Sheep Cotton Fine in the colorway CF360 Wild Sage,and Bergere de France Ciboulette in the colorway Light Yellow. The Bergere de France yarn is in an exclusive colorway for the magazine Simply Knitting. I hope you liked her! Here are the links for the yarn,and the magazine.
Brown Sheep Cotton Fine:
Bergere de France Ciboulette:
Simply Knitting magazine:
See ya!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Craft Fair...

Well. Today has been a little off,to say the least. Usually when I go to a craft fair with my mom I'm all giddy the night before,but something doesn't seem right. I even ended up taking apart that snowman I was making! O_O  Oh,well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  =)  Anyway,I have another needle felted critter to show you in the mean time!

He is a needle felted hamburger! I made up the design myself. I ended up learning a new technique while I made him! The stripes on him for the mustard,lettuce,and burger are lengths of yarn felted on! I know,I may be a little too happy about that,but hey,I'm a beginner! I also embroidered on his face with yarn. The yarn I used for his stripes and face are Red Heart Super Saver,Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Peace and Love,AcMoore Fashion Mill Ends,and Lion Brand Wool-Ease. The wool I used for his body,is from the Dimensions Hedgehog Needle Felting Kit. Hey,I had some left over! Well,I hope you like him! Here are the links for the craft fair,kit,and the types of yarn.
Red Heart Super Saver (face):
Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Peace and Love (mustard): (This is for the regular version,but I used a color out of the Peace and Love line.)
AcMoore Fashion Mill Ends (lettuce): (This is for the store in which I got this yarn.)
Lion Brand Wool-Ease (burger):
Dimensions Hedgehog Needle Felting Kit:
Bye,and hopefully we will have some luck tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Turkeys!...and an Update

Here is the turkey part of my post. The first two turkeys were crocheted in 2010,from this pattern. I can't remember what yarn I used for them,so I won't list any.
The third turkey was crocheted in 2011,from this pattern. The yarn I used for him are Phentex Merit,Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co. Inc, Peaches & Creme,and Red Heart Super Saver. Now,for the update,which is for this weekend's craft fair. I have made all of the Spherical Creatures and Sunny Flowers I made into tree ornaments,because this craft fair is Christmas themed.  That was my mom's idea.  =)  I have also crocheted a Christmas Tree,and I'm thinking of making a snowman,like the one I made a post for a little while ago on here. I think that will be it,for this craft fair. Anyway,here are the links to the yarn I used.
Phentex Merit:
Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co. Inc. Peaches & Creme: (I used the older version of this yarn. This website is for the newer version,because the company was bought out.)
Red Heart Super Saver:

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christmas Ornaments and a Christmas Wreath

Here are the photos of the ornaments and wreath that my mom got for her Birthday last week.

I hope you liked them all!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Mom's Birthday

My mom's birthday is today,and she has turned 50 years old! She has cupcakes for her Birthday dessert,and a few nice presents. Here is part of what I'm giving to her.

He is made from this pattern:
He is made from the yarns Lion Brand Wool-Ease,Red Heart Super Saver,Phentex Merit,and JoAnn Sensations Cuddle. I used a size E/4,3.50mm crochet hook to crochet him. I ended up just free-handing the carrot nose and the scarf. I hope my mom likes him! Here are the links for the yarns I used.
Lion Brand Wool-Ease (white/multi & chocolate brown):
Red Heart Super Saver (light sage & black):
Phentex Merit (dark orange):
JoAnn Sensations Cuddle (white):
Happy Birthday,mom!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Yesterday's Craft Fair

Oooookay. Well,the craft fair yesterday didn't go as well as we hoped it would. First,my mom only managed to sell about thirteen dollars worth of stuff,and I only managed to sell...drum roll item,priced at three dollars (chibi pumpkin). One! -_- (insert angry grumble here) Oh,well,I guess it could have been worse. Anyway,we have another craft fair this month (November 17th),so hopefully we will do better at that one. On the other hand,my mom and I got some stuff at the craft fair. I got some crochet hooks and some yarn,and my mom got herself a nice little Birthday present. She got a set of over twenty Christmas ornaments,and a wreath from a lady for $35.00. I think that was pretty good,and my mom was very happy which is always a plus.  =)  I'll have to take a few photos of the ornaments sometime. Something bizarre happened at the craft fair,as well. My mom and  two of my aunts (my mom's sisters) got to meet one of their family members that they haven't seen in close to thirty years! Hmm,I guess there were some reasons to go to this craft fair after all. So,I'm not trying to be mean towards this craft fair,it just wasn't right for us,so feel free to go there if they have it next year. Oh,and if you noticed,I did say my mom got herself a nice birthday present,right? Well,her Birthday is in a couple or so days (on November 7th),and she will be 50 years old! Except,there is one liiittle problem,though. I want to make something for my mom,but I haven't decided yet,and her Birthday is Wednesday!  O_O That's my own fault,though,so I guess I better get to crocheting (or knitting)!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Craft Fair Update

I finally took photos of everything I'm selling at the craft fair on Saturday.

First,my Baby Monsters.

They are all made from the yarns Caron One Pound,Red Heart Super Saver Multi,JoAnn Sensations Angel Hair,AcMoore Fashion Mill Ends,Phentex Merit,Caron Simply Soft Paints,and Red Heart Debbie Stoller Alpaca Love.

Now,here are the Chibi Pumpkins.

These are made of the yarns Phentex Merit,AcMoore Fashion Mill Ends,Lion Brand Vanna's Choice,Lion Brand Wool-Ease,Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Baby,Lion Brand Amazing,Red Heart Super Saver,and Gala Mixed Fiber. I'm hoping to make two more chibi pumpkins,but I don't think I will make anything else after that. These chibi pumpkins are apparently very addicting for me to make. 
Phentex Merit:
Lion Brand Vanna's Choice:
Lion Brand Wool-Ease:
Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Baby:
Lion Brand Amazing:
Red Heart Super Saver:
Red Heart Super Saver Multi:Same as Red Heart Super Saver.
Caron One Pound:
JoAnn Sensations Angel Hair:
Caron Simply Soft Paints:
Red Heart Debbie Stoller Alpaca Love:
When it comes to the AcMoore Fashion Mill Ends and the Gala Mixed Fiber,I'm just going to give the links for the stores in which I got the yarn,because they both vary.
Well,I think that covers everything! =)