Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello World

How has your summer been going? Me and my families...not so good. It all started with my father having a heart attack and a quadruple bypass surgery in June. He's feeling better now. Then my mom went to the doctors to address a spider bite on her lip shortly after. It wasn't anything serious,though. Then in August,my 14 year old cat buddy Whiskers  passed away. It's been tough,but I'm slowly getting used to it. I'm even looking at other kittens! Throughout all of this going on,I've been going through various bouts of illness,ranging from acid reflux,asthma,serious seasonal allergies,muscle pains,and now a possible sinus infection! So,we haven't been able to spend our Summer as we usually would,but I guess all you can do is count your blessings,pray,and keep looking ahead. =)