Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May News

Hey,long time no see! How is everyone doing? I figured I would do a random updates post today. I'll be separating each topic into different paragraphs. My dad and I went to a local antiques store to sell some stuff yesterday. We gave her a 1920's light fixture (from our house),a weird shoe "thing" (might be a shoe shining stand),a couple of tourist plates,a butterfly yarn organiser,and a Carmen record set. She gave us $35.00 total,which wasn't bad considering we paid about $3.00 total for everything originally! Here is the link for this antiques shop.

I have been working on all different sewn plushies lately. I've mostly been getting the patterns for them off of Youtube,but I've been making some of my own as well. Here are a couple of the plushies I've made,plus the links for where I got the tutorials from.

This is my brightly-colored mushroom. The tutorial is by Tammy Hallam,and here is the link:

Second,is this bright blue Chubby Mamegoma. This tutorial is by Sunmoonjooo,and here is the link:

Third,is this Flower Yeti. The tutorial is by Soreribsin,and here is the link:

Fourth,is this Zombie Mochi. The tutorial is by HapyFriendsShoppe,and here is the link:

I've already started to crochet Halloween related plushies! I know,it's weird,but I was bored! Anyway,here is a photo of my crocheted Little Ghost.

I also used felt for the arms. I'm thinking of possibly posting the pattern for her sometime soon,but I'm not sure just yet.

Wow that was a long post! Well,I guess that's it,and I bid you a fond farewell!