Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter! I figured I would take some time to post on here tonight. Anyway,we got some nice treats (my favorite was the Adventure Time Lady Rainicorn plushie I got),we had a nice dinner,and we had an excellent dessert! Why do I say excellent,you ask? Well, it consisted of a devil's food chocolate cake,a red velvet cake with vanilla icing,and my favorite,a big ol' cheesecake! =) Well,I guess I'll just post a link for the Lady Rainicorn plushie,and wish you all a Happy Easter!

Adventure Time Lady Rainicorn Plushie:


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mochi Bunny Plushie

I have a hand-sewn bunny I made to show you all!

Isn't he cute! *clears throat* Anyway,he is made out of felt,sewn with embroidery floss,stuffed with polyester stuffing,and he has a yellow sparkly pompom for a tail. Unfortunately,I forgot to take a photo of his tail. My bad.  =)  I got the tutorial for him from HapyFriendsShoppe on Youtube. The name of the tutorial is "How to Make a Kawaii Mochi Plushie Tutorial". It was fairly quick to make,and it was easy to make the adjustments to make him into a bunny! Here is the link for the tutorial.
Oh,and the house is all decorated for Easter,and I'm trying to wait patiently for Easter Sunday to get here! My mom is busy in the kitchen,making candy for our relatives (and ourselves). She's making me impatient though,because all I smell is freshly chopped coconut. Apparently,one of our cats (Whiskers) rather enjoys the smell of coconut,too. Well,I guess that will be all.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Hello! I just thought I would do a little St. Patrick's Day post! Anyway,my dad and I celebrated today,by going antiquing. Basically,we went to a flea market and an antique center and did a bit of shopping. It was rather fun,actually. I got a few different things,including various crafting magazines (including a vintage crochet booklet),a box of vintage novelty candles (I have a post on here for a few of the ones we have),a box full of vintage Easter decorations (rather giddy about that),a small pile of Fangoria magazines from the 1980's,a Stephen King Danse Macabre hardcover book (for my mom),a few vintage postcards/advertising cards,three cards of vintage buttons,and....a Ladie's Home Journal magazine from the year 1894!! I really felt like hugging my dad for that one!  =)  Anyway,I'll put the links for everything at the bottom of this post,but there is one more thing I would like to say...

Happy St, Patrick's Day!

Fangoria magazines:

Stephen King Danse Macabre book:

Ladie's Home Journal Magazine:I couldn't find this spcific issue or any others from that year,so I'll just put a link to Ebay down,so you can look there.


Monday, March 4, 2013

March Snow,and a New Crocheted Blanket

Wow,I can't believe it's March now! Time for St. Patrick's Day,and Easter,because it falls on March 31st this year. That would be the reason behind all the Easter stuff that's already up in the house.  =)  It snowed a few inches more this past weekend,but my dad and I were still able to go browse around the antique shops around here. I got a few postcards,two Garfield Easter ornaments (rather happy about that),a couple Easter bunny plush toys,three pieces of sheet music for $1.00 each (one was originally priced at $25.00! O_O),a vintage spinning top toy that apparently tips over onto its stick if you spin it fast enough (even though I still haven't gotten it to do that) for 0.25 cents,a Sailor Moon VHS tape...etc...etc. Anyway,now onto the crocheted blanket part of this post! I found a photo of a big crocheted granny square blanket on the Internet the other day. I had already seen this idea before,but I never thought I would make myself one. Well,a few days ago,I finally started one! I'm only using machine-washable,worsted (or as close to worsted) weight yarn for it. I already have a fairly good-sized square going,but I've begun to notice something. This is going to take me forever! It takes me quite a while to finish one row...oh,well. I guess that is my fault,for starting one. Hey,at least it helps to get rid of some of the yarn stash!  =) Well,I guess that's it. Here are the links for Garfield,and the Sailor Moon VHS tape.

Sailor Moon vhs tape:
